John Feinstein (Notable Sports Writer) has an excellent op/ed ~ article that talks about NCAA restructuring. Or more appropriately, blowing up the ncaa and replacing it with an organization that has essentially 3 separate governess's (if that's a word).
One for football, that recognizes the vast difference in resources between say UT and UIW. Both universities function under the division 1 umbrella. How do you regulate universities with vastly different operations?
Another unit to govern basketball, while understanding that the 300 team division 1 unit is still governable, despite the difference in resources Under resourced schools can still be successful (see St Pete's) The goal would be retain much of what has made March Madness the most successful sports "event" in the country.
A third unit that governs all of the non-revenue sports. This will be difficult. Still, non-revenue sports (to me) are the most collegial of all. Few of these kids will pursue professional careers in beach volleyball or tennis. But so what. If you get a chance read the entire article. I have hope that if something like what Feinstein describes, comes to pass, college athletics could be better.